Sunday, June 9, 2013

My dream to life in Paris from now till 5 years and countinous

i got this picture from my friend that share a same dream
here is one of my dream

First If you talk about dream, you must measure how your dream and how much you want to realize it

After that you must know how to go there, or how your feeling if someone or some friend has been going and life there... you willl hate it right.. you will angry ... you will be sulked, but please just change your altitude to a positive way there is : how can i catch up with those people, or how can i go there too in short time

 After that , what you want to do if you had been in paris ? spend some times aimlessly ? got to be a work a holic ? or be a shopping holic ? .... its up to you people, cause anybody can to be what he want but i suggest you life there and spend a few times to be a good muslims :)
maybe before you serch for some girls, you need a place for rest , yeah it must be a home with a rooftop that can see eiffel tower. it must be man,,, so you can see a good view of paris and imagine any idea you want. make it your home sweet home :)

 after that you will be lonely in your home sweet home right ? and it will be for a man that life there with much work. in heart there will be a saying i want had a good blonde girl to be my side. i want her to be a good muslim and be a good girlfriend
okay you got it , and you are in a relationhip right now... 1 years ...2 years.. has been spent together. you feel so much comfortable with her, you feel so safe,and you had it a soul mate and what will you do next ?

of course you willl want to have a wedding.... it will be romantic if you confess and propose your girl in area of eiffel tower, and you will make a wedding party there too. what a nice view right. be a good newlyweds after that, and life will have a more meaning

 After that You Will have a son right... make a good cheerful and sholeh or sholehah son ok,ahhaha
and do some vacation if you have a break... comunication with familly is a must to have a sakinah mawadah and warohmah wedding life... be ready my son it will soon
And also dont forget to make some socialize eith new neighbourg to share some thought about parenting :)

and dont ever forget, if you had a loose job , bring your son to see how your do and make it inspire your son to be what in future ... and share your dream with all of them :)

Iqbal Fathan Awaluddin Dream :)
A.K.A : IbayArhur

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